donderdag 8 november 2012

Fernand Léger, Dudley Murphy, "Ballet Mécanique" (1924)

"On a volé un collier de perles de 5 millions"
The section with the play on the newspaper headline starts at 10:16.

Man Ray, "L'étoile de mer' (1928)

L'étoile de mer
poëme de Robert Desnos
tel que l'a vu
Man Ray

Les dents des femmes
sont des objets
si charmants ...

... qu'on ne devrait
les voir qu'en rêve
à l'instant de l'amour.

Adieu! (3:04 - handwritten)

Si belle! Cybèle? (3:16)

Nous sommes à jamais
perdu dans le désert
de l'éternèbre


"qu'elle est belle" (14:52)

belle (15:02 - three layers become visible at once: the text, the mirror, the filmic image)

Man Ray, "Emak Bakia" (1927)

With, in this version, the famous intertitle saying "La raison de cette extravagance" at 16:15. Furthermore, images of text on a scrolling billboard at night, starting at 1:30.

maandag 5 november 2012

Su Friedrich, "Gently Down the Stream" (1984)

Peter Rose, "Secondary Currents" (1982)

Anthony McCall & Andrew Tyndall, "Argument" (1978)

Watch it here on UbuWeb:

Yvonne Rainer, "Film About a Woman Who ..." (1974)

George Landow, "Remedial Reading Comprehension" (1970)

George Landow / Owen Land And as a little extra: "The Evil Faerie / Flux Film N° 25" (1966)

Robert Nelson, "Bleu Shut" (1970)

Joyce Wieland, "Rat Life and Diet in North America" (1968)

Peter Gidal, "Structural Film Anthology" (1976-78)

Gidal Peter Structural Film Anthology

Bruce Conner, "A Movie" (1958)


Len Lye, "N. or N.W." (1937)

Writing letters ...

Edwin S. Porter, "College Chums" (1907)

The telephone conversation with the antique kinetic typography starts at 1:58.

Robert Florey & Slavko Vorkapich, "The Life and Death of 9413: a Hollywood Extra" (1928)

Titles integrated in the decor and style of this old American short film.